在東亞工作的醫療專業人員擁有一些共同的特徵,包括:文化、語言與習俗等。因此,有必要在這個區域進行更緊密的策略合作,將專家及資源整合,以分享推動實證健康照護 (evidence-based health care) 的專業經驗。於是,2007年11月在臺北舉行的亞太實證醫學網絡 (Asia Pacific Evidence-Based Medicine Network) 會議上,東亞5個國家 (香港、日本、韓國、新加坡與臺灣) 的代表達成共識,決定結成聯盟,以提供更好的區務合作及推廣考科藍 (Cochrane)。這也促成東亞考科藍聯盟 (East Asia Cochrane Alliance, EACA) 的成立。


  • 第二屆 EACA 會議是在第17屆 Cochrane Colloquium 期間,於2009年10月在新加坡舉辦。EACA 的代表闡明了本聯盟的宗旨,並探索學術合作的潛在可能與討論 logistic 議題。

後排 (由左至右): Hsueh Erh Liu, Kiichiro Tsutani, 陳杰峰, Hyeong Sik Ahn, Edwin SY Chan, 邱亞文, Chun-Ying Wu, 羅恒廉. 前排 (由左至右): Naohito Yamaguchi, Nick Royle, 郭耿南, Miranda Cumpston, Jin Ling Tang

  • 3rd EACA was organised on 4 September 2010 in Taipei, along with Taiwan Evidence-Based Medicine Association Annual Conference. The contents of a strategic plan were discussed and John Wiley & Sons, the publisher of the Cochrane Library, were invited to share experience for regional promotion.
  • 4th EACA meeting was held on 31 August 2011 in the Incheon Memorial Hall, Korea University alongside the G-I-N Conference. The EACA Strategic Plan was confirmed during the meeting. We also discussed the priority works for the coming year, including to translate the Cochrane Glossary and to translate clinical trial reports (titles) into English based on the Cochrane CENTRAL reporting format.
  • 5th EACA meeting was held on 26 January 2012 at the Japan Council for Quality Health Care, Tokyo alongside the 22nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Epidemiological Association. Issues relating to translating the titles of clinical trial reports and translating the Cochrane Glossary were discussed. 
  • 6th EACA meeting was held on 6 November 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan along with the 3rd International Society of Evidence-Based Healthcare (ISEHC) Conference. Representatives from China, Korea, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan attended the meeting and discussed issues regarding to hold a regional collaboration in Cochrane systematic review training program in Jeju, Korea in 2015. 
  • 7th EACA meeting was held on 13 June 2015 in Jeju Island, South Korea along with a regional collaboration in Cochrane systematic review training program. Representatives from China, Korea, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan attended the meeting and discussed issues regarding to hold a Cochrane Colloquium in Seoul, Korea in 2016.
  • 8th EACA meeting was held on 22 Oct 2016 in Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, South Korea along with a Cochrane Colloquium. Representatives from Australia, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan attended the meeting and discussed issues regarding to hold a collaborative advanced systematic reviews workshops in East Asia region.