World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day: Cochrane and global evidence leaders unite for world health and beyond


Global leaders in evidence-based healthcare - JBI, Cochrane, Campbell Collaboration, AHRU at the University of Oxford, and Institute of Development Studies (IDS) - have joined forces to launch the World Evidence-Based Healthcare (EBHC) Day 2024 campaign: "Health and Beyond: From Evidence to Action."

The World EBHC Day 2024 campaign seeks to galvanise the global evidence community in addressing the interconnected crises facing humanity. These simultaneous and interconnected crises, or ‘polycrisis’, threaten the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the well-being of people worldwide.

In the face of escalating social, economic, and ecological challenges, the 2024 campaign underscores the need for greater intersectoral action and collaboration to build resilient evidence support systems.


“In a time of ongoing crises, World EBHC Day 2024 presents an important opportunity to bring together the global evidence community to find solutions collaboratively. Cochrane is pleased to be a partner and aims to ensure that momentum from the campaign continues, as there is much to be done to build a healthier world for future generations,” said Catherine Spencer, Cochrane Chief Executive Officer. 

The World EBHC Day 2024 campaign calls on organisations and individuals to share their experiences, innovations, and lessons learned in using evidence-based approaches to drive meaningful change. By facilitating dialogue and knowledge-sharing across sectors, World EBHC Day 2024 serves as a global platform to share and access collective knowledge and wisdom for health and beyond, moving from evidence to action, while highlighting that interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation is pivotal to transformative change.


 Cochrane’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr Karla Soares-Weiser, also shared her enthusiasm for the campaign: “World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day 2024 demonstrates how it is essential to co-create solutions for the complex global challenges of our time. This aligns with the work we have been doing at Cochrane to develop our new Scientific Strategy, which will be published later this year.” 

JBI, Cochrane, The Campbell Collaboration, AHRU at University of Oxford and IDS call on the global evidence community to share their experiences, challenges, innovations, lessons learned, and promising failures in using evidence-based approaches to take action for health and beyond. 

Take Action

  • For more information on the World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day 2024 campaign and how to participate please visit 
  • If you are interested in writing a blog or recording a vlog for World EBHC Day 2024, please get in touch with

About World EBHC Day: World Evidence-Based Healthcare (EBHC) Day is held on 20 October each year. It is a global initiative that was founded by JBI that raises awareness of the need for better evidence to inform healthcare policy, practice and decision making in order to improve health outcomes globally. It is an opportunity to participate in debate about global trends and challenges, but also to celebrate the impact of individuals and organisations worldwide, recognising the work of dedicated researchers, policymakers and health professionals in improving health outcomes.  For more information, please visit