Cochrane London 2023: Forward together for trusted evidence
4-6 September 2023
Central London, UK
Cochrane is an international non-profit network that provides evidence-based scientific knowledge to improve healthcare for all people worldwide. Cochrane Reviews summarise all available research on a specific health question. They are up-to-date, follow a rigorous scientific methodology, and are free from commercial conflicts of interest. Health professionals, patients, and policy makers trust Cochrane Reviews for their healthcare decision-making. Cochrane works with researchers, health professionals, patients, policy makers, and media representatives from around the world to make Cochrane Reviews relevant and usable.
Cochrane holds an annual conference, known as a Colloquium, that brings together Cochrane researchers, clinical professionals, early career professionals, patients and carers, policymakers, and anyone interested in evidence synthesis and evidence-based healthcare. The events are a mix of keynote speakers, training opportunities, workshops, presentations, and a lively social and networking atmosphere. They are an exciting opportunity for a community of evidence synthesis enthusiasts to share, learn, and connect.
Cochrane was founded 30 years ago in Oxford and to mark this anniversary the colloquium will be held in the United Kingdom. It will take place at the QEII Centre in Westminster, Central London, hosted by Cochrane UK. The main programme will run from the 4th to the 6th of September, with satellite events and meetings on the 3rd September 2023.
This will be the first time the Cochrane community has come together since 2018 and in recognition of this, it is being designed to celebrate the diverse, global and cohesive nature of the collaboration that is Cochrane. As in previous years there will be stipends to make it possible for students, early career professionals and those from low-and middle-income countries to attend. The Colloquium theme is forward together for trusted evidence.
Martin Burton, Director of Cochrane UK, said: “After 30 years of producing and advocating for the use of high-quality evidence, Cochrane can look back on many significant achievements. Now we need to look forward together.”
Catherine Spencer, Cochrane CEO said, “The 2023 Cochrane Colloquium is an event for everyone with an interest in the use of evidence in healthcare decision making. We welcome those engaged in evidence production, co-production, dissemination, implementation and policy making, as well as those making individual healthcare decisions to join us for this exciting event.”
Registration will open in early 2023. Scientific programme will be announced in the coming months.
- Find out more at the Colloquium website
- #CochraneLondon
- Press contact: Katie Abbotts, Cochrane UK